Friday, November 14, 2008

10 mins left

So I have 10 minutes left in this day to post a message. I am just going to say I am glad this week is over and happy the weekend is here. I've been on edge all week, just a lot going on with school and work. Girls had a dentist appointment this week (things are good but Morgan still has a couple cavities we need to have filled). They love the dentist! YAY!!! Work- let's just say TOTAL burn out! School... I'm second guessing myself but excited to learn so much new stuff! I am going to be smart! HA-
Tonight the girls have been here with me. They have been chillin' while I finished my homework from yesterday. It's 11:50 pm here and I just finished! So I am off to get some sleep, Faith is patiently waiting, she keeps coming in and asking if I am done yet. I think if I make her wait any longer, she'll fall asleep on my front room floor.

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