Sunday, August 09, 2009


This past weekend I went to see the movie Julie & Julia. I was not sure what to expect and thought it was interesting how this woman started a blog on cooking and intended to write a book about her experience {via the blog}, which she did. The movie made me realize that I miss blogging! I just never feel as though I have something to write about. So my thought was, as boring as it may seem to some, I should write about my experience with school because it is 'my life', right?
What is interesting is 3 years ago, I had an idea to go back to school. My bio {which I post in every class} states "I was waiting for the rich doctor to come along but finally realized that what we expect to happen, does not always happen. So I decided to take my life into my own hands and do something about it". I went back to school. I was scared to death because I didn't think I could 'do it'. Funny thing is, I could and I have. Who would have thought back in October of 2006 that I would now be in school for my MBA {with a concentration in global management, because that sounds so much smarter!}. Let me tell you all something.... I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I AM DOING! I learn as I go.
Education has made such a difference in my life. It's amazing what this thing called 'school' can do for a person. It has given me a sense of self worth, taught me I can do anything I set my mind to, and gave me the ability to advance both professionally and personally. Did I mention I can use the word cohesion and know exactly what the importance of that word means in a business sense?
Going back to school gave me the courage to apply for a job, one in which I love. Don't get me wrong, I miss the days of S.B. ETC but I have learned so many different things in my position with UOP and I love the fact that I have made an impact in the lives of others. There are times I want to pull my hair out of my head because I talk with someone who may doubt him or herself and I know he or she can do this because if I can... ANYONE can. It just takes determination and someone supporting you, telling you can do it. Trust me, I have had many nights were I have doubted myself over and over. I have the greatest mentor who always tells me that I can do it though. Without him, I'm not sure I could have made it as far as I have.
So if you are out there wondering... should I go back to school or not? Think about this... what do you really have to lose? Will getting an education only bring you negativity? Will it bring out a side of you that proves nothing can stop you? Will it give you a sense of value knowing that you have accomplised something so many others are 'afraid' to do? Will it teach you things that maybe you do not know about and open opportunities that lay waiting ahead? Will it show your children the importance of an education because isn't that what we all want? Something more for our kids?
Do what you think you cannot accomplish and prove to the world that you are a better person for it!

1 comment:

beckyjomama said...

I love ya Jelly and I am SO stinkin proud of you!!!