Vanessa and I are headed off to a couple days of relaxation and self-improvement {if you must call it that}
This place is beautiful! Can't wait to just sit back and reflect on life {read a book, take a hike, get a massage- the possibilities are endless...}
I believe coming home we'll both feel a bit more relaxed and refreshed!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sometimes an Appletini makes it all better... Most often you need at least 3 of these! other times... you just need ashot of tequila!
Vanessa (friend from school- luv ya girl!) and I met up athalf moonyesterday after I got off work. We are both using what we've been learning in school on each other- to work through our issues- it's a wonderful thing {I think} - wonder if we'll be any good at it! Guess time will tell-
Seriously, I think there was a shark in the ocean and it wanted to eat us!
I missAJ'sand Kona Grill. I miss going to Safeway drunk andalmostpeeing my pantsbecause welaugh so hard! I miss the beach and thinking there is a shark attacking me and Erika making fun of me {ok, maybe not really} but I missvacationswe spent together. I miss talking about everything and anything and understanding where the other is coming from. I miss the fact thatshe spitsandI swallow {water people, water!}. I miss that we always talk about getting drunk but I order Ice Tea and she gets water with lemon.
Ok tomorrow is massage night! NORMA ROCKS!!! I swear she is the best and if you ever need an incredible massage therapist, I'll give you the number. 1-1/2 hours of relaxation- Can't wait!!
The girls are spending the night tonight- It's been awhile and well, there is nothing better than having them here!.
Tomorrow we are off for haircuts then to experience our first Cinco De Mayo festival! We'll soon be found in front of the television watching The Princess Diarieswith yummy Pazookie, which was highly suggested by both girls- good thing I knew they'd be asking and picked up the ice cream on the way home!