This was on Higley at about 5.3 miles... I had been waiting and waiting for the sun to come up. I started the run about 5:30 am, I guess the sun rises much later than I thought. I don't pay attention when I run with Dara because I have someone with me but this time was different. At this point I was pretty much just on a street that went through the desert so I was ready to get to Recker!
This was at the top of Las Sendas, about 8.3 miles. I had made it to the top and as I said... it was downhill from there! This was a great feeling, I had to get a photo! I love running as the sun comes up or is setting. One, the temperature is definitely much nicer but two- you cannot beat the view. I suppose running in the desert makes it that much better too!
I did PR on this run.. I ran my first two miles at about 10 min/miles. Total PR. Then at mile 4 I was at about 45. Which about 2-3 weeks ago, my 4 mile time was 46:46... so another PR. Last week we ran 10.91 and my time was about 2:15:? and today I finished at 11 mile @ 2:14:49. Not bad for being solo! Oh- and I love my new Brooks too!